Wealth Management

Phocas Wealth Management believes that reaching your goals requires patient, long-term investing with diversification and discipline. The roadmap to helping you reach your financial goals involves a custom tailored-made portfolio that meets your financial needs and tolerance for risk. Wealth management is a process that involves constant, proactive monitoring and adapting as your goals evolve.

We oversee a complete evaluation of your financial and life objectives before developing an all-inclusive financial plan. We’ll adapt and reshape the plan depending on your life changes, offering an all-encompassing view giving you informed, intelligent advice appropriate for your circumstances. Two of our central principles of our investment process is capital preservation and risk management, while always keeping in mind costs and tax efficiency.

Our portfolios are invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and alternative investments across all asset classes in the right mix for you. Because no client is the same, all clients have portfolios that uniquely represent their own needs. Furthermore, because we are a registered investment advisor, we look out for only your best interests. We are 100% fee only and do not accept commissions for investing you in others’ products.

Phocas Wealth Management is committed to providing you with effective communication and client service. This includes monthly communication, in-person meetings, quarterly newsletters and asset reporting, and upcoming webinars.

Our financial advice goes beyond investing your portfolio of assets and includes retirement planning, education planning, cash flow analysis, and working with your tax and estate planning professionals to help you achieve your goals.

Our investment expertise and services include the following:

  • Risk Management
  • Personalized Financial Planning
  • Customized Asset Management Strategies
  • Tax Planning Management